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Prayer for When there are No Good Answers

Adapted from Amanda Meisenheimer, Minister of Children and Families, The Riverside Church, NYC


Every path is broken.

If I send my child to school, there is danger.

If I keep my child home, there is disarray.

Every path is broken.

If I go back to work, there is no more homeschooling. No more childcare. And I might get sick.

If I stay home, the bills pile up. The rent goes unpaid.

Every path is broken.

We are lonely and we miss our people, our loved ones.

But when we gather, people suffer.

Every path is broken.


As a disappointing summer moves toward the uncertainty of the new school year, we ask for your protection for those in the classroom.

We ask for your wisdom for those making decisions.

We ask for your creativity as we navigate new ways to learn and teach and stay connected.


Most of all, in a world where every path is broken, we ask that you mount us up on wings like eagles so that we can see with a new perspective beyond brokenness to new life.



Resources for Parents, Teachers, and Students

Below you will find resources such as links to blogs and websites that I hope will be helpful for self-care, learning supplements, and other resources. If you know of any resource that should be included, please email me 

Self Care Resources:

Practicing Self-Care during the Coronavirus: 5 Tips for Teachers

Self-Care in the Time of the Coronoavirus

For Students: Self-Care and Wellness during the COVID-19 Pandemic


Learning Resources:

Ms. Heather's Extra Gems During Virtual Learning This is a resource list composed by my dear friend and fellow Children's Minister Heather Webb who serves at Second-Ponce De Leon Baptist Church in Atlanta, GA.


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