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We are Baptists who come from many traditions and backgrounds, thus our beliefs can vary widely.

We hold true to the below beliefs as our anchors 

We believe Jesus Christ is our Savior and Lord.

We believe the Bible is the Word of God.

We believe the Church is the body of Christ on earth.

We believe Baptism and the Lord’s Supper are symbolic celebrations of grace.

We believe men and women are equally gifted for all roles in ministry


Being Christian is more important than being Baptist.

Christian is the noun.  

Baptist is the adjective.  

All who profess Jesus Christ as Lord are sisters and brothers in Christ.


As Baptists, our beliefs focus on four historic Baptist principles or distinctives.


Soul freedom

Every person has full access to God without the need for a human authority to mediate that relationship.


Bible freedom

Individuals can and should interpret Scripture under the leadership of the Holy Spirit in

consultation with others but not in obedience to others.


Church freedom

Each local church is fully autonomous in its governance and is not answerable to a denominational hierarchy.


Religious freedom

The separation of church and state provides the best protection for both religious

minorities and majorities and for the secular government.

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